Updating a DNS A Record Based On Your Home IP Address Using FreeDNS , Amazon Route53 and Azure DNS

Let me ask you some questions… If you answered yes to all of the above questions, then read on. This website and other services I rely on daily, is hosted from my house and yes, my IP address changes from time to time, but my services are reliable. From my VPN to Home Assistant, this … Read more

Flashing Tasmota on a Sonoff Basic R4 & Configuring for Home Assistant

In October of 2023 Itead released their latest Sonoff Basic appliance module the Basic R4. It is now based off an ESP32 chip, versus the ESP82xx of prior models and provides increased load capabilities at 2400w. This appliance module is cheap and is perfect for attaching to a desk lamp, inline in a power board … Read more

Beyond Speed and Specs – Why Genuine SBC and MCU’s are the right choice for your project

Decisions, we all make them. You may make a decision based on specifications, performance, time to value supportability and so on. There are many dimensions, and we all have choice. In the last 15-20 years I have been an avid user of both SBC’s (Single Board Computers), PLC’s (Programable Logic Controllers) and MCU’s (Micro Controller … Read more

Controlling Bathroom Exhaust Fans With Honeywell Humidity Sensors

Automation and technology are amazing, but is automation in your mind the basics, such as lighting, you might ask Alexa or Google Assistant to turn on something. These are science experiments, purely because it involves an utterance, the magic in automation is when it ‘just’ works. No asking, just like Event Driven Architecture, it happens … Read more

Aesthetically Clean Remote Switching Using MQTT with Sonoff and Shelly Modules

Automation and technology are amazing, modern advances allow us to automate almost everything in our daily lives, before we get into this post, here is an end-2-end example of this solution, enjoy. So now you know what we will be building, lets get in to it. There are almost no systems in my house that … Read more

Using Flying Probes for Surface Mount PCB Flashing Of ESP32 & Beyond.

The right tool for the job can make any job enjoyable. I often get sense if happiness using quality tools that make a job easy and painfree. Tools change, I am not just talking in the physical world. Take example my world, cloud computing, look at cloud networking, how we architect connections in the cloud … Read more

Building a Private ChatGPT Interface With Azure OpenAI

TLDR – You can test my implementation at https://privategpt.baldacchino.net. If this appears slow to first load, what is happening behind the scenes is a ‘cold start’ within Azure Container Apps. Cold Starts happen due to a lack of load, to save money Azure Container Apps has scaled down my container environment to zero containers and … Read more

LLM’s Are Not Search Engines – Create 301 Redirects

Are you looking to make a wholesale URL structural change to your website. Maybe you are chasing SEO optimisation, but please think twice when changing your URL structure in the world of LLM’s (Large Language Models). Are you taking the right steps to ensure a great end user experience? Technical debt, I know you are … Read more

Let’s Get BuildingšŸ¤– – So you know the basics around OpenAI but where to from here?

Change is constant, are you keeping up to speed? Today every organisation regardless if they are a tech organisation, is a tech organisation. Thats the reality, because their competitors are. It’s more than basic tech, AI is being infused in 2023 to amplify everyone’s secret sauce, their value proposition. If you are trying to get … Read more

Using an Arduino & A 1602 LCD Screen With Polyglot Code To Display Your Next Outlook Meeting

In a prior post I discussed how you can connect a 1602 LCD screen via i2C to an Arduino compliant MCU, with the aid of MQTT and C++ to display metrics that matter. But I realised, other than wanting to know the temperature and metrics around energy consumption there was another key piece of information … Read more