Building Frigate With Google Coral TPU, Portainer, Docker On A Raspberry Pi 5 with NFS Storage & Home Assistant Integration

NVR (Network Video Recording) and false positives. Two words if you have been in this game long enough you will be familiar with. Tree’s that move, a spider all create noise to the point you tune out. Argh. I never have relied on the smarts of my Geovision camera’s but have used SightHound, Synology Surveillance … Read more

Making Data Driven Decisions With A PV Array, Home Assistant and MQTT

I have been always wanting to add a Solar PV array to my house and recently, it made sense and I purchased a modest (7.5kw) system for my house. It has been as much of an IT journey of integration and extracting value from disparate systems has it been of reducing my carbon footprint. When … Read more