Installing TvHead End On a Raspberry Pi5 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

How many TV’s do you have in your house? I only have one that is connected to a DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting) network, and whilst I stream the majority of content, there are times where I wish to watch free to air television. The problem with that is our primary TV is consumed by others … Read more

Building Frigate With Google Coral TPU, Portainer, Docker On A Raspberry Pi 5 with NFS Storage & Home Assistant Integration

NVR (Network Video Recording) and false positives. Two words if you have been in this game long enough you will be familiar with. Tree’s that move, a spider all create noise to the point you tune out. Argh. I never have relied on the smarts of my Geovision camera’s but have used SightHound, Synology Surveillance … Read more

Using A Raspberry Pi 5 & Ubuntu 23.10 As A Desktop Replacement (2024)

It’s the start of the year and I am between jobs. Most people have multiple devices, but I don’t. I am not one to have a device for this and a device for that. I live and breathe off one device and this is by choice. So whilst I am between jobs, I still need … Read more

Let’s Get Building🤖 – So you know the basics around OpenAI but where to from here?

Change is constant, are you keeping up to speed? Today every organisation regardless if they are a tech organisation, is a tech organisation. Thats the reality, because their competitors are. It’s more than basic tech, AI is being infused in 2023 to amplify everyone’s secret sauce, their value proposition. If you are trying to get … Read more