Thanks for stopping by. This site is my attempt to give back to the community and help those who have been searching for a solution but just can’t find it. It’s my way to discuss, learn, document my thoughts and the processes I take as I automate the many facets of my life. Let’s see how it goes.
I have significant experience in cloud (Azure and AWS) at both the hands-on and strategic levels, acting as a thought leader and a builder around future state architectures and how to leverage these ‘lego blocks’ to provide business value. I have led teams of Solution Architect, am a former Microsoft Australia Chief Architect and today am a Director at V2 Digital
I am a seasoned presenter and a serial podcaster, reaching over 50K listeners and 1.7M downloads with my insights and stories on cloud technology trends and best practices. As a builder at heart, I have a passion for industrial automation, web-hosting, and the supporting technologies that keep today’s websites online.
I tinker a lot with microcontrollers and appliance modules and flash Sonoff equipment and offer them at Australia’s cheapest prices. Check out my store leave a comment on my posts.
— Shane Baldacchino