Building Mechanisms To Learn Cloud Architecture

It’s mid year and I have recently changed jobs. In the past I have worked for cloud vendors (Microsoft & Amazon), where you are indoctrinated in content, not spoon fed, but you have information readily available. Today I am part of a technical consultancy (A cloud partner) called V2 Digital. How do I learn? What … Read more

Updating a DNS A Record Based On Your Home IP Address Using FreeDNS , Amazon Route53 and Azure DNS

Let me ask you some questions… If you answered yes to all of the above questions, then read on. This website and other services I rely on daily, is hosted from my house and yes, my IP address changes from time to time, but my services are reliable. From my VPN to Home Assistant, this … Read more

LLM’s Are Not Search Engines – Create 301 Redirects

Are you looking to make a wholesale URL structural change to your website. Maybe you are chasing SEO optimisation, but please think twice when changing your URL structure in the world of LLM’s (Large Language Models). Are you taking the right steps to ensure a great end user experience? Technical debt, I know you are … Read more

Let’s Get Building🤖 – So you know the basics around OpenAI but where to from here?

Change is constant, are you keeping up to speed? Today every organisation regardless if they are a tech organisation, is a tech organisation. Thats the reality, because their competitors are. It’s more than basic tech, AI is being infused in 2023 to amplify everyone’s secret sauce, their value proposition. If you are trying to get … Read more

IT Certification – Is It Even Relevant, Should You Get Certified, What Will You Learn And How Do You Pass?

I pose a lot of questions in this title. IT certifications, do you have any? Perhaps you have none, perhaps you have 10, but does it really matter and what do they really prove? 23 years ago, two months after finishing high school I sat my first IT certification exam, and leading up to where … Read more

Part 3 – Architectural Cost Optimisation – Practical Design Steps for Architects and Developers

Did you miss part one and part two of this this multi part series on ‘Cost Optimisation’? In part 3 of this multi-part blog series, I am going to cover, as per the title ‘Architectural Cost Optimisation’.In prior posts I have spoken about foundational primitives, what you can change and tune in the cloud without changing your … Read more

Part 2 – Infrastructure Cost Optimisation In The Cloud – Practical Design Steps For Architects and Developers

Did you miss part one of this one of this multi part series on ‘Cost Optimisation’? In part 2 of this multi-part blog series, I am going to cover, as per the title ‘Infrastructure’, but that’s a pretty wide remit. Stay tuned for further posts where I cover more progressive infrastructure topics, but in this … Read more

Tech Tee-Shirts: How to make friends and influence people

Who are you? The world of IT is big and ever-growing. Do you just blend in? Maybe you do, and that is fine (and could be appropriate), but perhaps your role is more of an evangelist, one of the plethora of IT based architects, a CxO, a Head Of, or even as the role I … Read more

Azure Site-2-Site VPN with Ubiquiti Edge Router running EdgeOS and Azure CLI

Since I started working for the “Cloud Giants” some 7 years ago I have been on a journey. This journey always involves changing as much technology in my house to use the given platform, and with my recent change of jobs to Microsoft, building a bridge between my house and Azure in the form of … Read more

Tear Down Your Castle! – A Story Of Culture & Cloud Natives.

We run our own path, but I still say I have been pretty lucky to see a lot of architectures in the last 15 + years, some rather average, through some pretty amazing architectures. The ones I count as amazing ones, you probably interface with as a user in your daily life as apps on … Read more