Installing TvHead End On a Raspberry Pi5 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

How many TV’s do you have in your house? I only have one that is connected to a DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting) network, and whilst I stream the majority of content, there are times where I wish to watch free to air television. The problem with that is our primary TV is consumed by others … Read more

Using A Raspberry Pi 5 & Ubuntu 23.10 As A Desktop Replacement (2024)

It’s the start of the year and I am between jobs. Most people have multiple devices, but I don’t. I am not one to have a device for this and a device for that. I live and breathe off one device and this is by choice. So whilst I am between jobs, I still need … Read more

Beyond Speed and Specs – Why Genuine SBC and MCU’s are the right choice for your project

Decisions, we all make them. You may make a decision based on specifications, performance, time to value supportability and so on. There are many dimensions, and we all have choice. In the last 15-20 years I have been an avid user of both SBC’s (Single Board Computers), PLC’s (Programable Logic Controllers) and MCU’s (Micro Controller … Read more

Monitoring Solar Consumption With A ESP32/8266 and LED Lights

Since having a PV (Photo Voltaic) solar array installed on my roof earlier in the year I have become a more aware of the energy consumption of my house. In my post ‘Making Data Driven Decisions With A PV Array, Home Assistant and MQTT‘ I am leveraging consumption data to make decisions in my house, … Read more

Automagically Keeping Cool In Zwift

Cycling has always been something I have been passionate about. With the COVID-19 induced lockdowns I finally decided to purchase an indoor trainer (Garmin TACX Neo 2T) and like so many people around the world, I use Zwift as a means to hit my distance targets each week. Spoiler – Want to see a demo? … Read more

Using Python To Buy A Canyon Aeroad

Cycling has always been something I have been passionate about. With the COVID-19 induced lockdowns I finally succumbed to purchasing an indoor trainer (Garmin TACX Neo 2T) and used it as a way to hit my distance targets each week. However, as the months went on, I found I was less and less willing to … Read more