Bridging Mosquitto MQTT into Azure IoT Hub with an Arduino based ESP32

I have been on a journey to explore Azure IoT and push the thousands of events that flow through my local MQTT broker (Mosquitto) in to Azure IOT. After my last post in using the Azure IoT SDK for Python conjunction with Paho MQTT I thought my work here was complete, but have just recently … Read more

Replacing Mosquitto with Azure IOT Edge

In a previous post, I spoke about using Mosquitto client tools to publish to Azure IOT Hub, that was the beginning and I am on a journey in my new role to explore Azure IoT and understand the art of the possible. What is possible, I guess we will find out. Who has the longest … Read more

Publishing & Subscribing to MQTT Topics Using Mosquitto Client Tools & Microsoft Azure IoT Hub

Public cloud brings a paradigm shift in what can be done, the art of the possible is possible and in the context of this post, I am planning to replicate ~250ish MQTT topics running in a Mosquitto MQTT container in to Azure IoT Hub. From ML (Machine Learning) through to anomaly detection and everything in … Read more

TLS 1.3 – Faster, Safer and Just Awesome

Recently I thought it was time to get back to basics, time to get in to the detail and I gave an internal session at Microsoft on (TLS) Transport Layer Security 1.3 and why its such step change for TLS. I am sure you are probably aware TLS is an encryption protocol that protects Internet … Read more