Ditch the Remote: Aesthetically clean control for Ventair SkyFan DC with Clipsal, Sonoff, MQTT, Tasmota Home Assistant & TUYA

Do you like the trend of remotes for appliances? I don’t. They often look our of place, require you to drill tiny holes in walls for mounts and even still, they can go missing. Let alone, they need batteries and you never can find them when you need them. But modern devices do more than … Read more

Beyond Speed and Specs – Why Genuine SBC and MCU’s are the right choice for your project

Decisions, we all make them. You may make a decision based on specifications, performance, time to value supportability and so on. There are many dimensions, and we all have choice. In the last 15-20 years I have been an avid user of both SBC’s (Single Board Computers), PLC’s (Programable Logic Controllers) and MCU’s (Micro Controller … Read more

Aesthetically Clean Remote Switching Using MQTT with Sonoff and Shelly Modules

Automation and technology are amazing, modern advances allow us to automate almost everything in our daily lives, before we get into this post, here is an end-2-end example of this solution, enjoy. So now you know what we will be building, lets get in to it. There are almost no systems in my house that … Read more

Displaying Metrics With A 1602 LCD, I2C and MQTT

A few months ago, I solved the problem of having to use a Home Assistant dashboard to view power related metrics that matter to me by using LED’s embedded into my desk. You can read about it here, and these LED’s work really well. The LED’s have saved me looking at Home Assistant, and they … Read more

Making Data Driven Decisions With A PV Array, Home Assistant and MQTT

I have been always wanting to add a Solar PV array to my house and recently, it made sense and I purchased a modest (7.5kw) system for my house. It has been as much of an IT journey of integration and extracting value from disparate systems has it been of reducing my carbon footprint. When … Read more

Bridge Building – Mosquitto MQTT to Azure IOT Using Paho MQTT and the Azure IOT SDK’s

I have been on a journey to explore Azure IoT and push the thousands of events that flow through my local MQTT broker (Mosquitto) in to Azure IOT. From direct connection to Azure IOT-Hub (via MQTT and SAS tokens) through to Azure IOT-Edge running locally with MQTT. I have been able to achieve my goals … Read more

A Journey in to MQTT With Roller Shutters, Mosquitto, HomeAssistant & Low Powered Micro-Controllers

Its been a journey over the last 10 years in driving heat out of the top story of my house. From double glazing, heavy drapes and window film, keeping temperatures cool and the house dark in summer has been a challenge for our north facing windows (the master bedroom). Near 6 months ago I decided … Read more