Advancing Maintenance Maturity of Distributed IoT Applications with AWS Greengrass and AWS Step Functions

AWS Greengrass brings autonomous control and compute to the edge where as  AWS Step Functions makes it easy to coordinate the components of distributed applications In this post I will look at how to leverage these services to coordinate components of distributed IoT applications. In this ever shrinking globalised world, margins are being squeezed tighter … Read more

Ditch the Remote: Aesthetically clean control for Ventair SkyFan DC with Clipsal, Sonoff, MQTT, Tasmota Home Assistant & TUYA

Do you like the trend of remotes for appliances? I don’t. They often look our of place, require you to drill tiny holes in walls for mounts and even still, they can go missing. Let alone, they need batteries and you never can find them when you need them. But modern devices do more than … Read more

Importing External GSuite, GMail and Office 365 Calendars into a single GSuite Calendar using Google Apps Script

Do you need to manage multiple calendars? I do. In my day to day I need to keep track of my work calendar (GSuite), my personal calendar (GSuite) and a customers Office 365 Calendar. There are two distinct problems that led me to crafting this solution. Problem No 1 : Managing 3 calendars is just … Read more

Monitoring Compressor Tank Pressure and Counting Refill Cycles Using a Pressure Transducer, an Arduino, Home Assistant and MQTT

I am the kind of person who operates on data. I also like tools and want to maintain them well. For many of my small engines I use hour meters to provide me the data to indicate when to perform maintenance . I was looking for a project of late and thought, what could I … Read more

Setup Amazon Workspaces Pools Using FSLogix and Okta

Amazon Workspaces Pools recently launched on June 27th 2024, it augments the Amazons Workspaces line up by providing non-persistent desktops in the cloud. In terms of a price to value ratio, this offering greatly reduces the cost to serve when comparing against Amazon Workspaces Personal, Amazon Workspaces Core and other VDI solutions (Citrix, Azure Virtual … Read more

Lessons Learnt Building An AI-Powered People Counter

Recently I started working for a relatively new AWS partner (V2 Digital) leading a team of builders. I author this post 4 months after AWS Sydney Summit 2024. Our goal for summit was simple. How do we differentiate ourselves from all of the other AWS partners out there? We didn’t want to blend in to … Read more

Building Mechanisms To Learn Cloud Architecture

It’s mid year and I have recently changed jobs. In the past I have worked for cloud vendors (Microsoft & Amazon), where you are indoctrinated in content, not spoon fed, but you have information readily available. Today I am part of a technical consultancy (A cloud partner) called V2 Digital. How do I learn? What … Read more

Installing TvHead End On a Raspberry Pi5 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

How many TV’s do you have in your house? I only have one that is connected to a DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting) network, and whilst I stream the majority of content, there are times where I wish to watch free to air television. The problem with that is our primary TV is consumed by others … Read more

Building Frigate With Google Coral TPU, Portainer, Docker On A Raspberry Pi 5 with NFS Storage & Home Assistant Integration

NVR (Network Video Recording) and false positives. Two words if you have been in this game long enough you will be familiar with. Tree’s that move, a spider all create noise to the point you tune out. Argh. I never have relied on the smarts of my Geovision camera’s but have used SightHound, Synology Surveillance … Read more